When learning a new language, begin by familiarizing yourself with its everyday phrases. So, today, we bring you this article where you will learn to say congratulations in French language based on various occasions & settings.
In French, you must learn what to say on different occasions under different scenarios.
There may be times of happiness like a birthday or wedding or times of remorse like disease or death. And in every scenario, you do want to convey your sincere well-wishes.
Congratulating or greeting others on their success & good events happening in their lives is a massive part of being social.
You want to know how to give congrats in French and how to reply to one.
Thus, today we bring you this article where you will learn 6 different ways to say congratulations in French and mark your presence.
Félicitations: Standard Congratulations in the French Language
The best way to start learning is to familiarize yourself with French’s primary or go-to congratulatory phrase.
It is easy to learn various expressions in your native language, but covering different phrases for the same emotion in another can be overwhelming.
But do not worry. We will start easy and with the basics.
“Félicitations” is the most common way, or you can say a go-to phrase to say “Congratulations” in French.
You can use this word with people in both formal & informal settings, whether you are close to them or not.
If you want to be more specific while congratulating someone, you need to add the word “pour” followed by the action or the event.
For Example:
- Congratulations Julia : Félicitations Julia
- Congratulations On Your Promotion Julia : Félicitations pour ta promotion Julia
How To Pronounce Félicitations?
Now that you know the introductory phrase to congratulate a French person in their native language, it is time to learn how to pronounce it.
The right way to pronounce félicitations is “fee-li-ci-tae-see-on.”
There will be a nasal sound “on” similar to the one you get while saying “bonjour.”
How to Use Félicitations As An Adjective Or A Verb?
The word Félicitations has more than one form. And if you are a serious learner, you need to familiarize yourself with the fact that this word can be used as a verb and an adjective.
1. Verb Form
The verb form of Félicitations is “Féliciter” pronounced as “fee-li-see-tae-eh”.
Féliciter is an expression that can be used in both formal and informal settings. And can be used to congratulate others, whether a coworker, friend or a family member.
In addition, féliciter is mainly used with “te” (forms formal expression) and “vous” (forms informal expression).
For Example:
- Je te félicite or Je vous félicite : I congratulate you
Not only this, you can even add the reflexive pronoun “me” to congratulate yourself on your achievement.
For Example:
- I have to congratulate myself on my soup – it’s a real success : Je me félicite de ma soupe – C’est une vraie réussite.
2. Adjective Form
Other than the verb, Félicitations can also be used in adjective form.
You saying only Félicitations to someone does the job, but if you want to be extravagant, use it in its adjective form.
While being used as an adjective, the word Félicitations has to agree with the noun it is used together with. Thus it can be singular or plural, masculine or feminine.
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So, check before you add it in a sentence or improvise to use the adjective form.
For Example:
- My Sincere Congratulations : Mes sincères Félicitations
- Our Sincere Congratulations : Nos sincères Félicitations
- My Whole hearted Congratulations : Mes sincères Félicitations
- Our Whole hearted Congratulations : Nos sincères Félicitations
- Congratulations my friends : Félicitations mesamis.
- Congratulations kids, you won the game : Félicitations les enfants, vous avez gagné le match.
Explore 6 Easy Ways To Say Congratulations In French Language:
Félicitations is not the only word you can use to congratulate someone in French. There are other handfuls of words & phrases you can use to convey your feeling and stand out in the crowd.
If you are only learning French for your travel or leisure purposes, then knowing the basics should let you go by.
However, you must be well-versed if you are learning to advance your career or studies.
Interacting in more than one way with native French speakers makes you more attractive and exciting to talk to.
There needs to be more than just knowing different ways to say hello in French. You need to polish yourself to expand your vocabulary of every most-used phrase.
Here we have six different ways for you to say congratulations or congrats in French Canadian, American, or native.
1. Bien Joué
The English translation of Bien joué is “well played.” You can use it to compliment people on how they have achieved something.
It is an informal greeting mostly used to greet people you are close to.
For Example:
- You asked a friend to call you in the middle of your date in case you need an excuse to leave? Well played! : Tu as demandé à un ecopine de tetéléphoner au milieu de ton rencard au cas où tu aurais besoin d’une excuse pour partir ? Bien joué !
2. Bon Travail
If you want to praise someone for the work they have done in any manner, you can use the phrase Bon travail.
It literally means “good work.” You can use it with kids, friends, families, and acquaintances.
For Example:
- Good job, your project is excellent : Bon travail, votre projet est excellent.
3. Bravo
Originally, bravo was not a French word. It is derived from the English & Italian word “brave” and is commonly used by French speakers to congratulate others.
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Again, it is an informal greeting that you can use with your close friends, acquaintances, and family.
It is not something you would say to someone you are not familiar with or at the workplace, especially to your superiors.
For Example:
- Bravo! You have just won your first gold medal. : Bravo! Tu viens de remporter ta première médaille d’or.
4. Chapeau
The French term chapeau is the equivalent of the English greeting “hats off.”
It is more of a traditional wish and is mainly used when greeting someone for their accomplishments, like learning a new skill, resolving a disagreement, finishing a task, and more.
You can even use it to compliment to a French chef when dining at a restaurant and eating a dish that feeds your soul.
For Example:
- Hats Off! soufflés look tasty : Chapeau ! Les soufflés ont l’air savoureux.
- This chicken is delicious. Compliment to the chef : Ce poulet est délicieux. Compliment au chef.
5. Tous mes vœux de bonheur
The phrase ” Tous mes vœux de bonheur” literally translates to “All my best wishes” and is generally used to express congratulations.
It is more of an informal greeting but can be used vaguely with acquaintances.
For Example:
- Best wishes for your marriage : Tous mes vœux de bonheur pour votre marriage.
6. Tous mes/nos compliments
This one is a formal way of congratulating someone and literally translates to “all my or our compliments.
You can use it in your office with colleagues, superiors, and people you do not know well.
For Example:
- Congratulations for your marriage : Tous nos compliments pour votre marriage
How To Say Congratulations In French On Different Occasions?
In English, congratulating people on different occasions is quite simple. You have different wishes designated for different times.
Similarly, apart from the general greetings, several others can be used only on special occasions.
You sure can use the general ones at any event. However, using the specific ones make you appear knowledgeable, brighter, and an excellent French speaker for someone who does not have it as their native language.
Below are some of the most common events you can encounter in your life, along with different ways to say congratulations.
– Engagement or Wedding
People getting engaged and married is an ongoing process that will never stop.
These are one of the most joyous occurrences of a person’s life. You can make the moment even better for the person by giving personalized, heartful congratulations.
You can use several French phrases to make people notice you and your efforts. Some are ideal for formal settings, while others can be used in either place.
- Congratulations on your engagement : Félicitations pour vos fiançailles
- Congratulations on your wedding : Félicitations pour votre mariage
- Congratulations and best wishes to you both on your wedding : Félicitations et meilleurs voeux à vous deux pour votre mariage
- Congratulations for marrying the love of your life : Félicitations pour avoir épousé l’amour de votre vie
– Birth Of A Baby
In today’s times, having a friend or family member either expecting a child or recently welcoming one is prevalent.
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For such a joyous occasion congratulations are in order. You can wish them well by simply saying “Félicitations,” or you can try more personal ways to convey your wishes.
- Congratulations on the arrival of your little one : Félicitations pour l’arrivée de votre petit bébé
- Congratulations on the arrival of your new family member : Félicitations pour l’arrivée de votre nouveau membre de la famille
- We are delighted to hear about your pregnancy : Nous sommes ravis d’apprendre votre grossesse
– School/College-Related
Sometimes you will come across someone you know accomplishing something big in school or college.
It can be winning a competition, graduating, being accepted into a university, or more.
So, when you are up to celebrating their success, you can extend your congratulations by saying it elegantly in French.
- Congratulations on winning the dance competition : Félicitations pour avoir remporté le concours de danse
- Congratulations on your graduation : Félicitations pour la réussite au baccalauréat
- Congratulations on getting into your favourite university: Félicitations pour l’entrée dans votre université préférée
- Congratulations on getting your degree: Félicitations pour l’obtention de votre diplôme
- Well done on your exams: Bravo pour vos examens
– Work-Related
You must make a good impression at your workplace. Anyone in your workplace accomplishing something always asks for a celebration.
Thus, go for the French to stand out instead of expressing your congratulations in English.
- Congratulations on getting the deal : Félicitations pour l’obtention du projet
- Congratulations on the promotion : Félicitations pour la promotion
- Congratulations on getting the job : Félicitations pour avoir obtenu le poste
– Buying A House
Buying a house is a challenging task. So if you know someone buying one, it is a beautiful event that deserves congratulations.
The thing to notice here is that the person buying the house can be your family member, friend, or colleague at work.
Greetings for both people cannot be identical. Thus you need to know both formal & informal congratulations.
- Congratulations, well done : Félicitations bien joué
- Congratulations on the new house : Félicitations pour la nouvelle maison
- Congratulations on buying a new house : Félicitations pour l’achat de votre nouvelle maison
- My sincere congratulations: Mes sincères félicitations
– Wishing Your Best
There will be times when you want to wish the other person all the best or the best of luck in their endeavors.
Bon courage is the French expression you need to learn as it means “Good luck.”
You can use it to boost the morale of your friends, family, or colleagues just before they have an exam, driving test, big meeting, or any other equivalent event.
Bon courage does not literally mean congratulations, but it is a phrase to encourage someone with good energy.
- Good luck with your exam : Bon courage pour votre examen
- Good luck in the meeting : Bon courage pour la réunion
Do You Want To Go Beyond Congratulations?
There are times when you want to congratulate someone, and simply just saying congratulations is not enough.
You can either be engaged in a long conversation or write a letter or email with the person and want to ensure they know how happy you are for them.
Communicating your emotions is the same for all. Whether you are a beginner anticipating how long does it take to learn French fluently or already fluent in it.
There is no right way to say it, but there are a few expressions you can say beyond congratulations to show others your support.
- Je suis heureux/euse pour toi/vous – I’m happy for you
- Je suis fier/fière de toi/vous – I’m proud of you
- On va fêter ça – Let’s celebrate
Remember, these three expressions are to be used with close friends and family members, including kids.
For Example:
- Congratulations on passing your exam, Nadine! I’m proud of you : Félicitations pour avoir réussi ton examen, Nadine! Je suis fière de toi!
- Tu l’as bien mérité!/Vous l’avez bien mérité ! – You well deserved it!
It is another phrase you can use to congratulate someone and be specific with a task.
You can use it in both formal & informal scenarios.
For Example:
- Congratulations on your promotion David. You well deserved it! : Félicitations pour votre promotion David. Vous l’avez bien méritée !
FAQs About Congratulations In French Language (Congrats in French)
Are congratulations in Canadian French different from regular French?
A language does get modified depending on the people who are saying it.
You will quickly see the difference in the French spoken by a French native to a community with no French roots.
Congratulating in Canadian French is almost similar to the authentic French.
There may be a difference in some words or pronunciation, which is basically Canadians mixing their native language with the French to give it a homey feel.
How to say congratulations my friend in French?
If your friend has achieved something and you want to show your support going for a heartful congratulations is in order.
You can go for the English, but if you want to do the task with the French twist, you can say “félicitations mon ami,” which translates to “Congratulations, my friend.”
How do you say congrats in French?
The French equivalent for the words “congrats” is “Félicitations.” It is an informal congratulatory phrase and should be used with friends, family, and other people you are close with.
For Example:
- Congrats for completing one year at your current job : Félicitations pour avoir terminé un an à votre emploi actuel.
How to say congratulations in French directly to someone or about someone?
It is not enough to know how to congratulate people face to face. There will be a time when you will complement them while talking to a third person.
Several French phrases let you wish people, whether you are talking to them or talking about it to someone else.
For Example:
- Charlotte saved a child from being hit by a car. Hats Off! : Charlotte a sauvé un enfant d’être renversé par une voiture. Chapeau bas! (Saying to third person)
- Charlotte, you saved a child from being hit by a car. Hats Off! : Charlotte, vous avez sauvé un enfant d’être renversé par une voiture. Chapeau bas! (Face to face conversation)
Making yourself familiar with everyday phrases helps you a lot in learning a new language. This article covers almost all the phrases to say congratulations in French language.
Explore the difference between formal & informal greetings and impress others with your French learning.