Are you struggling to describe your daily routine in French? If yes, then this article is for you.
Interaction with others is something you cannot avoid. As a French learner, there will be times when you will be required to make small talk or engage in entire conversations with others.
One of the most common things people ask while talking to others is their day and daily lifestyle or routine.
The lexicon of everyday activities is quite crucial in French. Thus you must boost your daily routine vocabulary to learn how to describe your routine, and what French daily life looks like.
To help you learn better, we have explained each part with practice examples.
So, let us begin and help you write your daily routine essay in French for everyday practice.
10 phrases sur la routine quotidienne en français. – 10 phrases about the daily routine in French.
- Je me réveille tous les matins à 6h00. – I wake up every morning at 6:00 a.m.
- Je me lave le visage et je vais me promener dans le jardin et faire du jogging. – I wash my face and go for a walk in the garden and jogging.
- Je rentre à la maison, je me douche et je me prépare pour l’école. – I come home, shower and get ready for school.
- Après le petit déjeuner, je pars pour l’école à 8h30. – After breakfast, I leave for school at 8:30 am.
- Je change de vêtements en rentrant de l’école à 14h. – I change my clothes when I get home from school at 2 p.m.
- Puis, après avoir mangé, je me repose un moment. – Then, after eating, I rest for a while.
- Je me lève à 16h00 pour faire mes devoirs. – I get up at 4:00 p.m. to do my.
- À 17 heures. Je sors jouer au foot. – At 5 p.m. I go out to play football.
- J’étudie régulièrement pendant 2 heures après être rentré à la maison. – I study regularly for 2 hours after coming home.
- Le soir, je dîne avec tous les membres de la famille devant la télé et à 22h00 Je fais mon lit et je m’endors. – In the evening, I have dinner with all the members of the family in front of the TV and at 10:00 p.m. I make my bed and fall asleep.
Avantages de suivre une routine quotidienne : Benefits of following a daily routine
- La routine quotidienne nous aide à travailler sur notre objectif et à l’atteindre. – The daily routine helps us work on our goal and achieve it.
- Nous évitons la procrastination. – We avoid procrastination.
- Nous apprenons quel travail est important pour nous et quel travail n’est pas important pour nous. – We learn which work is important to us and which work is not important to us.
- Nous obtenons une idée sur la façon de passer toute notre journée. – We get an idea of how to spend our whole day.
- Suivre une routine quotidienne nous permet de travailler avec une plus grande efficacité. – Following a daily routine allows us to work with greater efficiency.
- Notre confiance augmente. – Our confidence increases.
- La routine quotidienne nous fait gagner un temps précieux. – The daily routine saves us precious time.
- Notre stress est réduit. – Our stress is reduced.
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What Does The French Lifestyle Looks Like?
Like what is generally shown in movies and television series, ordinary French people are not always riding away on their bicycles with a baguette under their arm.
The average lifestyle of France is not as stereotypical as Hollywood has made us believe with its portrayal of daily routine in French essays.
In France, most people work on the weekdays for only up to 35 hours which is mandated by French laws. The weekends are official to relax, plus there are plenty of holidays & vacation days to take advantage of.
This perfect balance between life & work provides an excellent opportunity for the natives to explore hobbies & personal growth.
Average Daily Life in France – Look At Their Lifestyle
Every country has its own daily routine that is followed by most citizens.
In France, adults & school-going children usually wake up by 7:00 in the morning. They can properly work on their morning routine to reach their schools & offices by 8:30 AM.
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Like most countries, a typical workday in France begins at 9:00 AM. But unlike most countries, its lunch break can last up to two hours.
And the day usually ends around 6:00 PM. The remaining evening hours are spent relaxing and doing favorite activities.
Most French people typically have their dinner between 7 & 8 PM with the entire family. The weekends are all for family. People like to spend quality time with their family & friends.
People can finally relax on their days off because of French law called “Right To Disconnect,” which prohibits employees from reading work emails.
Thus you can see how well managed an average day is in France and how well people can handle their personal & professional life.
Explore Easy Breakage of Daily Routine In French In 3 Different Parts
The daily routine is an integral part of our life. It provides stability & comfort, allowing us to better manage our daily obligations and maximize time for personal activities.
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A day filled with proper rhythm & activities is not just limited to the morning. People do different daily activities, which is valid for French people.
In France, daily routine can vary depending on various factors, including age, profession, place of residence, and personal preferences.
Thus to help you understand better, below, we have divided the daily routine in French using reflexive verbs & examples into three parts: morning, midday, and evening.
1. Morning Routine/Activities With French Examples
Our mornings are filled with several activities, from waking up to getting ready for school, college, or work.
One of the crucial things you will notice while learning & practicing the French daily morning routine vocabulary is that it contains many reflexive verbs.
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The reason is that your daily activities are described by you, making you both the subject and object for the verb.
Check out the most common morning routine vocabulary you must know:
- To Wake Up – Se réveiller
- To Get Up – Se lever
- Early – Tôt, / De bonne heure
- Late – Tard
- To Sleep – Dormir
- To Sleep In – Faire La Grasse Matinée
- To Be Early – Être en avance
- To Hurry, Rush – Se dépêcher
- To Wash Yourself – Se laver
- To Take A Shower – Prendre une Douche / Se doucher
- To Brush Your Teeth – Se brosser / Laver les dents
- To Put On Makeup – Se maquiller
- To Get Dressed – S’habiller
- To Change Clothes – Se changer
- To Put On Your Shoes – mettre ses chaussures
- To Have A Coffee – Prendre Un café
- To Have Breakfast – Prendre Le Petit-Déjeuner
- I wake up at 7 am – Je me lève à sept heures
- I exercise for half hour and then take my shower- Je fais du sport pendant une demi-heure puis je prends une douche.
- I get dressed and put on my makeup- Je m’habille et je me maquille.
- I take a shower before having breakfast- Je prends une douche avant le petit-déjeuner.
- I have a coffee and I hurry to my office- Je prends un café et je me dépêche d’aller à mon bureau.
2. Midday Routine/Activities In French Paragraph
If you wish to describe your daily routine in French correctly, you need to learn about the different parts of the day in French.
Following your morning routine, the next one is the midday routine. It is the time that most people spend outside the house. Some of you are in our schools or colleges, while others are working hard at your jobs.
This particular time of the day concludes everything you do, from leaving the house to returning to it.
When describing your afternoon activities, you mostly build the sentence stating you are going somewhere, eating something, taking a mode of transportation, doing an activity & more.
Check out the most common afternoon everyday vocabulary you must know:
- To Leave The House – Partir de la maison
- To Take (For Transportation In This Context) – Prendre:
- The Metro- Le métro
- The Bus- Le bus
- The Car- La Voiture
- The Train- Le train
- To Drive – Conduire
- To Go – Aller:
- To Work – Au Travail
- To The Office- Au Bureau
- To School – À L’école
- To The Library – À La Bibliothèque
- To The Gym – À La Salle De Spor
- To The Café – au Café
- To A Restaurant – Au Restaurant
- To A Friend’s House – Chez un/une ami(e)
- To The Doctor – Chez Le Médecin
- To The Dentist – Chez Le Dentiste
- To Have Lunch – Déjeuner
- To Work – Travailler
- To Study – Étudier
- To Go Grocery Shopping, Run Errands – Faire Les Courses
- To Go To The Market – Aller Au Marché
- I have lunch with my friends – Je déjeune avec mes copains.
- I take the bus to work- Je prends le bus pour aller au travail.
- I have a meeting with my clients- J’ai un rendez-vous avec mes clients.
- I go grocery shopping after work – Je vais faire les courses après le travail.
- I go to the gym after work – Je vais à la salle de sport après le travail.
3. Evening/Late-Afternoon Routine Activities
The evening or late afternoon activities describe everything you do, from when you leave school or work to when you go to bed.
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Below you will find some words that have the same meanings. Thus you can use them as a synonym.
For example, the verbs rentrer, revenir, and retourner all mean to return (mainly home) and thus can be used synonymously.
Check out the most common evening everyday vocabulary you must know:
- To Come Home – Rentrer/Revenir/Retourner À La Maison
- To Prepare A Meal – Préparer Un Repas
- To Have Dinner – Dîner
- To Cook – Faire La Cuisine/cuisiner
- To Set The Table – Mettre La Table
- To Serve The Meal – Servir Le Repas
- To Clear The Table – Débarasser La Table
- To Do The Dishes – Faire La Vaisselle
- To Do The Laundry- Faire La Lessive
- To Iron – Repasser
- To Do Household Chores – Faire Le Ménage
- To Clean – Nettoyer
- To Sweep – Balayer
- To Relax – Se Reposer, Se Détendre
- To Take A Nap – Faire Une Sieste
- To Read – Lire:
- A Novel- un roman
- A Newspaper- Le Journal
- To Listen- Écouter:
- To Music- De La Musique
- To The Radio- La Radio
- To Watch Tv – Regarder La Télévision
- To Go To Bed – Aller Au Lit
- To Go To Bed – Se Coucher
- To Fall Asleep – S’endormir
- I go home – Je retourne/rentre à la maison/rentre chez moi
- I rest a bit- Je me repose un peu.
- I watch TV – Je regarde la télé.
- I make dinner – Je prepare le diner.
- I do household chores – Je fais le ménage.
- I take a warm shower – Je prends une douche chaude.
- I go to bed at 10pm – Je me couche à vingt-deux heures.
What Does The Daily Routine Of French Students Look Like?
If you want to understand the true importance of everyday activities for French people, you can do it well by exploring daily routines in French examples.
Life of students is almost similar on every continent. The early mornings, back-to-back classes, a lunch break, a little hangout with friends, doing some errands & activities, spending time with family, dinner, & to bed.
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Thus, if you want to learn to describe your or my daily routine in french for students, all you need to do is break down your tasks of the day and then put them together in a paragraph.
To help you learn better, we have an example of the daily routine of most French students that can help you understand better.
Here is a daily routine of a French student:
- Wake up early in the morning – Se réveiller tôt le matin
- Take a shower or bath – Prendre une douche ou un bain
- Brush teeth and hair – Se brosser les dents et les cheveux
- Get dressed for the day – S’habiller pour la journée
- Have breakfast, such as bread with jam, coffee or tea – Prendre son petit-déjeuner, par exemple du pain avec de la confiture, du café ou du thé.
- Go to school or university – Aller à l’école ou à l’université
- Lunch at noon, usually a hot meal- Déjeuner à midi, généralement un repas chaud
- Return to classes- Retourner en classe
- Running errands or other personal activities – Faire des courses ou d’autresactivités personnelles
- Dinner with family or friends, often lighter than lunch- Dîner en famille ou avec des amis, souvent plus léger que le déjeuner.
- Watching television, reading a book or spending time with loved ones- Regarder la télévision, lire un livre ou passer du temps avec des proches.
- Going to bed early to rest before the next day.- Se coucher tôt pour se reposer avant le lendemain.
Of course, this routine can vary depending on personal preferences and daily obligations.
Daily Routine In French Paragraphs Using Reflexive Verbs
Now that you know what a day in a French student’s life looks like, you can easily comprehend your life in the French language.
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Below is a paragraph explaining a student’s whole day’s activity, from waking up to going to bed. We have an example in both English & French for you to compare & understand the words’ usage & meaning.
I wake up around 6 in the morning. I jog for about half an hour and then hop into the shower.
After showering, I get ready for school or university. Proper dressing and good makeup are a must.
I eat a healthy breakfast with my family, which is generally cooked by my mother. I leave the house at 8 and take an 8:30 AM bus to reach my destination.
There are lectures all day, and in my free time, I eat lunch and practice my guitar skills.
After school, I hang out with friends for an hour or two and make sure I get home by 7.
As soon as I reach home, I take a warm shower to get rid of the day’s tiredness. Then I help my mom in the kitchen, and we always have dinner around 8 PM.
After that, I focus my attention on studying and usually go to sleep around 1 AM.
Je me reveille vers 6 heures du matin. Je fais du jogging pendant environ une demi-heure, puis je prends une douche.
Après la douche, je me prépare pour l’école ou l’université. Une tenue correcte et un bon maquillage sont indispensables.
Je prends un petit-déjeuner sain avec ma famille, généralement préparé par ma mère. Je quitte la maison à 8 heures et monte dans le bus de 8h30 pour me rendre à ma destination.
Il y a des cours toute la journée, et pendant mon temps libre, je déjeune et je m’entraîne à la guitare.
Après l’école, je passe une heure ou deux avec des amis et je m’assure de rentrer à la maison à 19 heures.
Dès que j’arrive à la maison, je prends une douche chaude pour me débarrasser de la fatigue de la journée. Ensuite, j’aide ma mère à cuisiner et nous dînons toujours vers 20 heures.
Après cela, je me concentre sur mes études et je m’endors généralement vers une heure du matin.
French Daily Routine Vocabulary With English Translation
Now that you know what a daily routine is and its importance for French people via various examples, we have a treat for you.
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Learning never stops. And if you are learning a new language, you must keep brushing your brain to retain all the information.
Like saying hello in French or greeting in French, there is a bunch of French vocabulary related to the daily routine.
Knowing them will make it easy for you to easily converse with a fellow French speaker.
- Daily Routine – Le Quotidien
- Answer Messages – Répondre Aux Messages
- Brush Teeth – Se Brosser Les Dents
- Change – Se Changer
- Chat – Bavarder
- Dance – Danser
- Discuss – Discuter
- Do Homework – Faire Les Devoirs
- Dream – Rêver
- Dress up – S’habiller
- Drive – Conduire
- Eat Breakfast – Prendre Le Petit Déjeuner
- Eat Dinner – Dîner
- Eat Lunch – Déjeuner
- Fall Asleep – S’endormir
- Get Up- Se Lever
- Go Home – Rentrer À La Maison
- Go To An Evening Party – Aller À Une Soirée
- Go To Bed – Se Coucher
- Go To School – Aller À L’école
- Go To The Disco/Nightclub – Aller En Boîte
- Go To The Gym – Aller Au Gymnase
- Go To Work – Aller Au Travail
- Groom Oneself – Faire Sa Toilette
- Have A Coffee/Soda – Boire Un Café/Soda
- Have A Snack – Prendre Un Goûter
- Have Fun – S’amuser
- Hurry – Se Dépêcher
- Listen To Music – Écouter De La Musique
- Make Phone Calls – Téléphoner
- Meet Friends – Rencontrer/Retrouver Des Amis
- Prepare Dinner – Préparer Le Dîner
- Read The news paper – Lire Le Journal
- Rest – Se Reposer
- Shave – Se Raser
- Sleep – Dormir
- Study – Étudier
- Take A Shower – Prendre Une Douche
- take the bus/subway – prendre le bus/le métro
- wake up – se réveiller
- walk the dog – promener/sortir le chien
- walk (going on foot) – marcher/aller à pied
- walk/stretch one’s legs (taking a walk) – faire une balade/faire une promenade
- wash – se laver
- watch TV- regarder la télé
Top FAQs About Daily Routine Essay In French
What is Routine?
The pre-established plan for doing any job is called the routine.
How important is routine in our life?
Routine is very important in our life, it motivates us to do any work on time which is useful for success in our life.
What should a student’s daily routine look like?
If we are students, we have to follow the daily routine in order to achieve our goals.
Discussing your daily life is the go-to way to start a conversation.
If you wish to spark a conversation with a stranger or genuinely want to tell or know about someone’s day, you should learn how to converse about daily routine in french.
Knowing the standard terms related to almost all everyday activities will help you understand others better plus convey your thoughts clearly.
This article covers all the essential vocabulary with easy examples to boost your French learning of daily activities.