If you want to explore France thoroughly, especially the city of love, you must know the basic French travel phrases.
Although English is a universal language, it is not well-known in most French-speaking countries. Thus, to get around, you need to learn how to speak basic French.
Traveling to any place where you do not speak the native can be frustrating, especially steering your way while exploring.
So, to ensure you get around different French destinations quickly, you need to learn some essential travel French phrases. Even basic French knowledge can help you interact with locals and learn about the regular lifestyle.
Keeping this in mind, today, I bring you 150+ basic French words and phrases for travel to ensure your next trip to France is unforgettable.
Basic French Words For Travel In France: Learn Useful French Phrases
Traveling is not only about moving from one place to another. There are a lot of aspects connected to this journey.
While traveling to an unknown place, you are bound to meet new people, interact with strangers, ask for their assistance when lost, go dining, shop, & more.
All these activities do not seem much of a task when you are in a place where you can easily interact with others.
However, in an unknown land, all these tasks seem like dreadful things that may even prompt you to never leave your accommodation in French.
But that is not why you or anyone would fly out for miles to the country of love, France. Exploring another country is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Thus, you need to make the most out of your visit.
And to help you with this, below I have a list of over one hundred & fifty common French phrases & words categorized as per various activities you will enjoy there. So let us begin and start our learning before that trip of yours.
26 Basic Conversational French Phrases
You can never go by in a foreign land if you can not speak even the bare minimum of the native language.
You do not need to be a pro in the French language. But you should at least know the words & phrases used the most in everyday conversations by natives.
Below is a list of some essential words & expressions that you will often use during your travel time in France.
Knowing these everyday phrases will help you interact with natives in a comfortable & sophisticated manner.
- Hello / Good Morning- Bonjour !
- Good Evening- Bonsoir !
- Hi (Informal)- Salut !
- Nice To Meet You- Enchanté!
- Welcome- Bienvenue!
- Yes / No- Oui / Non .
- How Are You?-Çava?
- I’mWell.- Je vais bien.
- How’s It Going?-Ça roule?
- I Am Well, And You?-Je vais bien, et vous?
- Do You Speak English?-Parlez-vous anglais?
- I Do Not Speak French.-Je ne parle pas français.
- I Don’t Understand.- Je ne comprends pas.
- Where Are You From?-D’où venez-vous?
- I Am From …- Je suis de …
- What Is Your Name?-Quel est votre nom?
- My Name Is…- Je m’appelle …
- Mrs. / Mr. / Miss- Madame / Monsieur / Mademoiselle
- Cheers!-Santé!
- I Don’t Know- Je ne sais pas.
- Thank You Very Much.- Merci beaucoup!
- You’re Welcome- De rien!
- Excuse Me / Sorry- Excusez-moi/Pardon !
- Sorry- Je suis désolé (e).
- See You Later!- À tout à l’heure!
- Goodbye- Au revoir!
29 Basic French Travel Phrases For Directions: Beautiful French Language
Getting lost in a new city or country is a thing that most people can relate to. I remember my first trip to Paris. I was so engrossed in exploring the architectural beauty around me that I got separated from my travel group.
I freaked out and was on the verge of crying. I only knew the name of the hotel I was staying at and some French phrases I had learned.
Suggestion: 100+ Tasty Vegetables In French To Make Your Vocab More Yummy.
I asked a passerbys the directions for the hotel by saying “Quelle est la direction de l’hôtel Wallace, s’il vous plaît ?” (What is the direction of the Wallace Hotel, please?) and thus reached there safely.
Although I spent the rest of my day in my room. I was glad that at least I could find my way back. It all happened because I knew how to ask for directions in French. Knowing the essential phrases for directions can save you from the panic of getting lost.
Memorize the below-mentioned basic French phrases for directions to ensure you do not get panics like I did.
- Directions- Les directions
- North- Nord
- South- Sud
- East- L’est
- West- L’ouest
- Here- Ici
- There- Là-Bas
- Where Is … Please?- Où est… ,s’il vous plaît?
- I’mLost.- Je suis perdu(e).
- Is It Far?- Est-ce que c’est loin?
- Is It Close?- Est-ce que c’est proche?
- Which Way?- Par où?
- It’s To The Right / Left.- C’est à droite / à gauche.
- Turn Right.- Tournez à droite.
- Turn Left.- Tournez à gauche.
- Straight Ahead.- Tout droit.
- Over There.-Là-Bas.
- Where Are We?-Où sommes-nous?
- Can You Help Me? -Pouvez-vous m’aider?
- To The Left- À gauche.
- To The Right- À droite.
- Straight Ahead- Tout droit.
- Is It Far/Close By?- C’est loin?/C’est près d’ici?
- The Exit- La sortie
- It’s To The Left- C’est à gauche.
- It’s To The Right- C’est à droite.
- It’s Straight Ahead- C’est tout droit.
27 Basic French Words & Phrases For Transportation
The French transportation system is among the best in the world. Although no country can touch Japan regarding convenient public transportation, France also offers an excellent system.
You will most likely take trains and buses to get around the country. They are an affordable means of transportation and can help you save a lot on your travel.
With a readily available transit system, you will face no problem traveling from one place to another. Transportation prices vary over distances which is not too much.
To get your way through the various modes of transportation, there are some essential words & phrases that you should learn in French.
- Transportation- Le transport
- The Bus- Le bus
- Bus Stop- L’arrêt de bus
- A Taxi- Un taxi
- Train- Le train
- Subway- Le métro
- Airplane- Un avion
- Car- Une voiture
- Ticket- Un billet
- Ticket Window- Le guichet
- Airport- L’aéroport
- Bus/ Train Station- La gare
- Early- En avance
- On Time- À l’heure
- Delayed- En retard
- Cancelled- Annulé
- Do Not Enter.-Entrée interdite.
- Exit- La sortie.
- Validate Your Ticket.-Valider votre billet.
- What Is The Schedule?- Quelle est le planning?
- What Is The Price Of A Ticket?- Quel est le prix d’un ticket?
- Where Is The Ticket Window?-Où est Le guichet?
- I Would Like To Purchase A One-Way Ticket.- Je voudrais acheter un billet aller simple.
- I Would Like To Purchase A Return Ticket.- Je voudrais acheter un billet aller-retour.
- Have A Nice Trip!- Bon voyage!
- I Would Like To Go To The Bus/Train Station- Je voudrais aller à la Gare.
5 Essential French Phrases For Clarification
There will be times during your trip to France when you might have to interact with locals. It can be for everyday greetings in French or you asking for some assistance.
Under any scenario, French people are pleased to see a foreigner speaking their language. This is why sometimes they get over-enthusiastic, making it hard for the other person to follow their complex conversations.
Similar Post: Mastering the Art of Asking ‘What’: Easy Ways to Improve Your French Vocabulary.
I once met this lady to whom I asked to click my picture. As I requested in French, she was happy, and after clicking my picture, we had a great conversation.
Although I could understand her reasons, it got hard for me as she started talking fast and using more extensive sentences.
I had to tell her to slow down so that I could understand what she was saying. She understood and was kind enough to do so.
So, if you can tell others that you are unable to understand them or ask them to repeat in their native language, French people will be more than happy to make things easier for you.
- I Don’t Understand- Je ne comprends pas.
- Could You Repeat That, Please?-Pouvez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît?
- Speak A Little Slower, Please- Parlez plus lentement, s’il vous plaît!
- Could You Speak More Slowly Please?-Pourriez-vous parler plus Lentement?
- Could You Write That Down For Me, Please?- Pourriez-Vous L’écrire, S’il Vous Plaît?
- Speak Slowly, Please.-Parlez Lentement, S’il vous plaît.
- Repeat, Please.- Répétez, S’il vous plaît.
25 Basic French Phrases For Shopping & Money: Know The Easy Words To Use
France is the land of high-end fashion & lifestyle. You can see several beautiful boutiques nationwide that will tempt you to shop.
To ensure you can ask, bargain, and buy anything you want, you must learn the essential words & phrases related to shopping & money in French.
Knowing the standard terms will ensure you do not get scammed and overpay for something worth pennies.
- How Much Is This?- Combien Ça Coûte?
- It’s Too Big / Small.- C’est Trop Grand / Petit.
- I’m Just Looking Around, Thanks.-Je Regarde Juste Autour De Moi, Merci.
- I Would Like … Please.- Je Voudrais … S’il vous plaît.
- Good Quality!- Bonne Qualité!
- I Need …- J’ai besoin de …
- I Want …- Je veux …
- I’m Looking For …- Je cherche …
- Can I Try This On?- Je peux l’essayer?
- Is It On Sale?-C’est en solde?
- No Thanks, I’m Only Looking.-Non Merci, Je Ne Fais Que Regarder.
- No, I’m [Just] looking For the Moment.-Non, Je Regarde Pour L’instant.
- I Would Like To Pay In Cash- Je Voudrais Payer En Liquide/Espèces
- Do You Accept Foreign Cards?-Est-Ce Que Vous Acceptez Les Cartes Étrangères?
- Can I Pay With A Credit Card?-Est-Ce Que Je Peux Payer Avec Une Carte De Crédit?
- Can I Order This On The Internet?-Puis-Je Commander Cela Sur internet?
- Where Are The Shops?-OùSont Les Magasins?
- Where Is The Mall?-Où Est Le Centre Commercial?
- What Time Does It Close?-À Quelle Heure Est-Ce Que Cela Ferme?
- What Time Does It Open?-À Quelle Heure Est-Ce Que Cela Ouvre?
- I Am Searching For A Bag/A Postcard/A Book- Je Cherche Un Sac/Une Carte Postale/Un Livre.
- The Bank- La Banque
- Notes- Billet D’argent
- Coins- La Monnaie
- How Much Does It Cost?-Combien Ça Coûte?
- It’s Too Expensive!- C’est Trop Cher
- It’s A Great Deal!- C’est Bon Marché!
- How Much Do I Owe You?- Je Vous Dois Combien?
28 Basic French Phrases For Assistance/Help/Instruction
You will find yourself in need of help when in a foreign land. It can be for clicking a picture, finding a bathroom, a tourist site, a restaurant, police assistance, and more.
Under any emergency situation, you can only rely on the people around you. And for them to understand you, you need to speak their language.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Saying Good Luck in French: Tips and Phrases You Need to Know.
It is not possible to master a new language in a matter of weeks. But you sure can learn some French phrases that can help you ask for instructions and help from others.
- Airport- L’aéroport
- Grocery Store- L’épicerie
- Coffee Shop- Le Café
- Metro Station- La Station De Métro
- Bus Station- La Gare Routière
- Park- Le Parc
- Beach- La Plage
- Can You Help Me?-Pouvez-Vous M’aider ?
- Can You Take Our Photo?-Pouvez-Vous Nous Prendre En Photo ?
- I Don’t Understand.- Je Ne Comprends Pas.
- Where Is The Bathroom/Restroom?-Où Sont Les Toilettes ?
- Where Is …?- Où Est ___ ?
- Je Cherche…- I’m Looking For…
- Where Is The Hospital/ The Pharmacy?-Où Est L’hôpital/ La Pharmacie?
- Help Me – Aidez-Moi!
- I’mLost – Je Suis Perdu.
- I’ve Lost..- J’ai Perdu …
- I’ve Lost My Wallet- J’ai Perdu Mon Porte-Monnaie.
- I Feel Sick – Je ne me sens pas bien.
- Call An Ambulance – Appelez Une Ambulance.
- Call The Police – Appelez La Police.
- I Have A Problem – J’ai Un Problème.
- I Have A Question – J’ai Une Question.
- Could You…- Pourriez-Vous …
- Are You Able To Take My Photo/Our Photo?-Pourriez-Vous me/nous Prendre en Photo?
- Is there A Good Restaurant/A Good Café near by- Y a-t-il un bon restaurant/un bon café à proximité?
- Où Est La Plage/Le Centre-Ville?(Where Is The Beach/City Center.)
- I Am Searching For the Hotel/Hospital/Bank- Je Cherche L’hôtel/L’hôpital/La Banque.
31 Basic French Words & Phrases For Dining
Food is an integral part of our lives. It is one of the best things to explore when in France. Fine dining & delicious food are the highlights of French traveling. You get to experience the elegance & taste France has to offer.
Don’t Miss To Checkout: 10 Common Ways to Say “I Don’t Know” in The French Language With Examples.
By knowing some essential dining words & phrases, you can avoid causing any blunders and easily order the things you want to relish.
- Waiter – Monsieur/Madame
- Menu- Le Menu
- Bread- Le Pain
- Cheese- Un Fromage
- Meat- La Viande
- I Would Like A Coffee.- Je Voudrais Un Café.
- I Would Like A Beer.- Je Voudrais Une bière.
- I Would Like Some Water.- Je Voudrais De L’eau.
- I Would Like A Baguette – Je Voudrais Une Baguette
- I Would Like Some Water – Je Voudrais De L’eau
- I Would Like The Bill – Je Voudrais L’addition
- Can I Have The Bill, Please?-L’addition, S’il Vous Plaît.
- A Glass Of Wine. – Un Verre De Vin.
- I Would Like…- Je Voudrais…
- I’ll Have – Je Prendrai
- Do You Have…?- Avez-Vous…?
- Appetizers- Les Entrées
- Main Courses- Les Plats principaux
- Desserts- Les Desserts
- Vegetarian Options- Options Végétariennes
- I’m Full- Je Suis Repu(e)
- This Is Delicious!-C’est Délicieux!
- A Table For 4, Please.- Une Table Pour 4, S’il Vous Plaît.
- The Menu, Please.- Le Menu, S’il Vous Plaît.
- The Wine Menu, Please.- La Carte Des Vins, S’il Vous Plaît.
- Is The Tip Included?- Est-Ce Que Le Service Est Compris?
- This Is So Good!-C’est Trop Bon!
- I Ate Well/I’m Full- J’ai Bien Mangé
- I’m Satisfied- Je Suis Répu/Repue
- What Are Today’s Specials?- Quels Sont Les Plats Du Jour ?
- I’mAllergic To…- Je Suis Allergique À …
11 Basic Phrases To Rock In The Club That You Can Easily Use
No trip to France is complete until you explore the night & party life of the country. Night clubs are trendy among the young generation. You can start with some drinks and sway your body to the upbeat music.
But to ensure you do not enter into any problems & can express yourself better, memorize some helpful French phrases below.
- Want To Go Get A Drink Tonight? – Ça Te Dit D’aller Boire Un Verre Ce Soir?
- I Want To Party! – J’ai Envie De Faire La Fête!
- Let’s Sit Over There?- On S’installe Là-Bas?
- We’ll Take The Bottle- On Va Prendre La Bouteille.
- We’re Taking Shots!- On Prend Des Shooters!
- I Would Like A Glass Of Wine – Je Voudrais Un Verre De Vin.
- Let’s Dance! – Dansons!
- I’m Spent, I’m Leaving- Je Suis Crevé/Crevée, je pars.
- Get Home Safely!- Rentrez-Bien!
- I Really Enjoyed Myself- Je Me Suis Vraiment Bien Amusé/Amusée.
20 Basic Drink Words in French: Talking About Drinks In Restaurants
Drinking is an integral part of French dining culture. As we like to have a glass of water beside our food, the French love to have an extra glass for their liquors, wine, & cocktails.
French restaurants are extravagant with their drinks. You can order anything from coffee to alcohol to enjoy your dining experience.
To order what you want, learn some most common drinks & related words in French:
- The Wine Menu, Please.- La Carte Des Vins, S’il Vous Plaît
- A Glass Of Wine- Un Verre De Vin
- Red Wine- Vin Rouge
- White Wine- Vin Blanc
- Tea- Du Thé
- A Coffee- Un Café
- A Beer- Une Bière
- Some Fruit Juice- Du Jus De Fruit
- Some Water- De L’eau
- Fizzy Drink- une Boisson Pétillante
Top FAQs About Common French Phrases In English
Are there any French slangs I should know?
YES. If you want to fit in the crowd and want locals to treat you like a fellow, you should learn some standard day phrases and slang that only locals use.
This way, you project to others that even though you are a foreigner, you are familiar with the country & its people.
Below are some French slangs or French travel phrases with pronunciation you can master for your trip:
- Hello- Salut (informal)!
- I love Paris- J’adore Paris.
- Have a nice trip- Bon voyage!
- Forget it or drop it- Laisse tomber.
- Come on or let’s go- Allez!
- That’s life- C’est la vie.
- Long live the Republic and long live France!-Vive la république et vive la France!
- French food is the best in the world- La cuisine Française est la meilleure du monde.
How to prepare well for traveling to France?
To ensure you have a great trip to the land of France, you can begin by looking for accommodations that are safe & as per your requirements.
Buy a French phrasebook for travelers. It will come in handy. You sure can learn different basic expressions, but a book can help you whenever you feel stuck.
Also, research the local customs & lifestyle to blend in easily without getting shocked in front of the locals.
Lastly, plan all the activities & site-seeing beforehand to ensure you do not waste any time & extra money.
What are the best places to visit in France?
France is the ultimate vacation destination. This land of romance has wonderful places & activities for you to explore.
Some of the most popular destinations that you cannot miss in France are:
- The Eiffel Tower- La tour Eiffel
- Bordeaux- Bordeaux
- Louvre Museum- Le Musée du Louvre
- Notre-Dame De Paris Cathedral- La Cathédrale Notre-Dame De Paris
- Saint-Tropex Beach- La plage de Saint-Tropez
What are the basic greetings that every tourist should know in France?
If you want to go by with ease while exploring France and its beautiful cities, you need to learn some expressions, especially for greetings.
You will be able to make a good impression on others and get their attention with the least effort.
- Bonjour! – Hello/Good day!
- Salut! – Hi/Bye!
- Bonsoir! – Good evening!
- Au revoir! – Goodbye!
- Coucou! – Hey there!
- Allô? ( – Hello?
- À plus! – See you later!
- À tout à l’heure! – See you soon/See you in a while!
There are several other phrases than saying good morning in French, but if you are not eager to dive in deeper, these few are more than enough.
What is the greeting etiquette of French people?
Like any other country, when you meet people in France, you have to shake hands with everyone present, whether arriving or leaving.
If you are among close friends, family & relatives, the most common greeting is a kiss on both cheeks, also known as “la bise.”
The ‘la bise’ is not actually kissing other people. People simply place one’s cheek against the other’s, make a kissing noise, and then repeat it on the opposite side.
If you see two people greeting each other in a ‘la bise’ way, you can quickly tell they are close.
By learning over 150+ basic French travel phrases, you can ensure you have an unforgettable travel experience in France.
Learning the language can help you with easy exploration, dining, sightseeing, interacting with natives, shopping & more.
The more familiar you are with everyday words, phrases, & slang, the less likely you are to get scammed in the country of love.