Food Vocabulary Quiz Cooking Vocabulary Dining Vocabulary Food And Health In French French Food Vocabulary Indian Food Vocabulary In French Italian Food Vocabulary In French Kitchens And Kitchenware In French Restaurant Vocabulary In French Cooking Vocabulary Dining Vocabulary Food And Health In French French Food Vocabulary Indian Food Vocabulary In French Italian Food Vocabulary In French Kitchens And Kitchenware In French Restaurant Vocabulary In French Grammar Quiz For Beginners Synonyms and Antonyms Quiz Indian Food Vocabulary In French: Multiple-Choice Questions Welcome to the Quiz ! What is the French term for "curry"? Le curry La sauce épicée Le chutney None How do you say "naan" in French? Le naan Le pain indien Le chapati None What is the French term for "basmati rice"? Le riz basmati Le riz long Le riz parfumé None How do you say "tandoori chicken" in French? Le poulet tandoori Le poulet grillé Le poulet épicé None What is the French word for "lentils"? Les haricots Les pois chiches Les lentilles None How do you say "chutney" in French? Le chutney La sauce épicée La compote None What is the French term for "samosa"? Le samoussa La samosa Le beignet indien None How do you say "spices" in French? Les herbes Les épices Les assaisonnements None What is the French word for "yogurt"? Le yaourt La crème Le lait None How do you say "vegetarian" in French? Végétalien / Végétalienne Végétarien / Végétarienne Carnivore None 1 out of 1 Time's up