Food Vocabulary Quiz Cooking Vocabulary Dining Vocabulary Food And Health In French French Food Vocabulary Indian Food Vocabulary In French Italian Food Vocabulary In French Kitchens And Kitchenware In French Restaurant Vocabulary In French Cooking Vocabulary Dining Vocabulary Food And Health In French French Food Vocabulary Indian Food Vocabulary In French Italian Food Vocabulary In French Kitchens And Kitchenware In French Restaurant Vocabulary In French Grammar Quiz For Beginners Synonyms and Antonyms Quiz Food And Health In French: Multiple-Choice Questions Welcome to the Quiz ! What is the French term for "vegan"? Végétalien / Végétalienne Végétarien / Végétarienne Carnivore None How do you say "carbohydrates" in French? Les glucides Les lipides Les protéines None What is the French term for "balanced diet"? Une alimentation équilibrée Un régime équilibré Une diète équilibrée None How do you say "lactose intolerant" in French? Intolérant / Intolérante au gluten Intolérant / Intolérante au lactose Intolérant / Intolérante au sucre None What is the French word for "minerals"? Les minéraux Les vitamines Les oligo-éléments None How do you say "protein" in French? Les fibres Les protéines Les glucides None What is the French term for "food allergies"? Les allergies alimentaires Les intolérances alimentaires Les aversions alimentaires None How do you say "sugar-free" in French? Sans gluten Sans lactose Sans sucre None What is the French word for "detox"? La détoxification La désintoxication Both a and b None How do you say "fats" in French? Les lipides Les glucides Les protéines None 1 out of 1 Time's up