Mixed Topic Vocabulary Quiz Animal Vocabulary Quiz Christmas Vocabulary Quiz Computer Vocabulary Quiz French Countries Capital Quiz French Numbers Vocabulary Quiz French Time Collocations Quiz French Time Vocabulary Quiz French Weather Vocabulary Quiz Animal Vocabulary Quiz Christmas Vocabulary Quiz Computer Vocabulary Quiz French Countries Capital Quiz French Numbers Vocabulary Quiz French Time Collocations Quiz French Time Vocabulary Quiz French Weather Vocabulary Quiz Grammar Quiz For Beginners Synonyms and Antonyms Quiz Christmas Vocabulary Quiz: Multiple-Choice Questions Test your knowledge of French Christmas vocabulary with this fun multiple-choice quiz! Welcome to the Quiz ! What is the French word for "Christmas"? Anniversaire Pâques Halloween Noël None How do you say "Santa Claus" in French? Le Père Noël Le Bonhomme de Neige Le Roi des Fées Le Père Fouettard None What is the French term for "Christmas tree"? Arbre d'Automne Arbre de Pâques Sapin de Noël Arbre de Fête None In French, which word means "gift"? Cadeau Fête Bougie Décoration None What is the French word for "snowman"? Bonhomme de Fleurs Bonhomme de Pluie Bonhomme de Terre Bonhomme de Neige None How do you say "Christmas Eve" in French? La Veille de Noël La Nuit de Noël Le Jour de Noël Le Réveillon de Noël None In French, which word refers to "Christmas carol"? Histoire de Noël Poème de Noël Conte de Noël Chanson de Noël None What is the French word for "reindeer"? Renne Cheval Cerf Âne None How do you say "Christmas stocking" in French? Chaussette de Noël Chausson de Noël Bottine de Noël Écharpe de Noël None In French, which term means "Christmas decorations"? Ornaments de Noël Décorations de Noël Bijoux de Noël Accessoires de Noël None 1 out of 1 Time's up